zompist.com - favorite pages

These are the total hits received by selected pages, sorted in ascending order (the big hitters don't need highlighting!).

The last column tells when the page was introduced; that year it'll get less than its share.

2002 2001 2000     Page
972 The Count of Years 2002
1319 Inspector Kinnian Meets Godzilla
1388 #spinnwebe D&D
1404 Swatoons 2002
1646 Practical Course in Verdurian
1701 1158 834 Excession review
1743 1197 1189 Effect and Counter-effect (story) 2000
1750 1487 1028 Chicago Reader review-o-mat
1791 Trip to Brazil 2002
1845 1377 1113 Waterbraguette (the Clinton impeachment)
1953 1861 3440 Traveler's Guide to the US Election 2000
1957 The Night We Cloned Tieboy
2115 The Chinese Room 2002
2171 2147 1406 The Verdurian Drilldown (top)
2195 1651 1206 Almean Belief Systems
2256 Almea8: a Civ2 scenario
2306 1615 1227 Evangelicals and the devil
2321 The Not My Desk Commentary 2002
2405 2055 1454 The Spinnland Map
2443 Elkarîl grammar 2002
2468 1737 1314 Is science killing sf?
2552 1888 1320 Psychohistory (first trilogy)
2623 2412 Meeting Lore 2001
2536 The Secret History of Verduria
2649 Memes
2735 1758 1197 Rights for Robots (sf story)
2773 2033 1650 Visitor's Guide to Verduria
2787 A native grammar of Cadhinor
2783 Facts from my bookshelf
2816 Virtual Verduria Ambassadorial Service
2828 2041 1615 12 reasons to toss the Turing test
2873 The Not My Desk Interview
2942 2749 1798 Barakhinei grammar
2959 Proto-Eastern philology
2957 What's wrong with libertarianism 2002
2995 2239 1151 Baudrillard, quel con
2999 6080 4100 Fuschia Chang
3123 Crib notes for the Turing Test 2002
3249 2317 1474 Left = right?
3373 3612 2031 Wede:i grammar
3488 2433 1946 Language origins
3039 Do Sheep Run in Electric Dreams?
3386 Is Government Eeeeevil?
3565 Snow Crash
3930 The Sam & Max Non-Walkthrough
3964 How to win at Civ2
3123 Welfare editorial
3535 The quotes page
3832 3203 2824 Ismaîn grammar
4332 2500 1566 Tax the rich
4003 3203 2093 Scottish culture test
4005 4351 Historical Atlas of Almea 2001
4052 3597 1122 Verdurian culture test 2000
4150 The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
4246 2767 1521 The names of alchemy
4617 3094 2007 Psychohistory (remaining books)
4714 The Sound Change Applier
4772 2809 1739 Excuse generator
4984 3629 2913 Chance relationships
5414 3949 1472 The Last Century 2000
5008 Why people learn languages 2002
5024 4183 2536 Kebreni grammar
5147 2399 1395 Ranma and the Translators
5373 6065 6541 DFC Guide
6029 5015 3618 Jaime Hernandez Chronology
6664 5514 2049 Brazilian culture test
6695 3916 3082 Latin American Comics 2000
7004 5485 2375 Japanese culture test 2000
7052 4110 1936 Great rock group names
7146 8143 4949 Un Chien Spinndalou
7265 5033 2318 Hau to pranounse Inglish 2000
7439 5796 3570 Horselover Fat's Page o' SpinnStuff
7570 5502 5032 Bob's Comics Reviews (index)
7959 English words from Arabic
8166 6208 3498 Love & Rockets Links
9057 3684 1694 Hiragana Flashcards 2000
9107 7576 4691 Verdurian grammar
9142 4878 3392 Indian words in English
9766 6539 4653 Kit be geeky
10723 13489 They Thought You'd Say This 2001
13231 9935 1520 Virtual Verduria Bulletin Board 2000
13287 U.S. interventions in Latin America
13825 6792 2551 French culture test
12485 8766 6199 French comics
14097 8659 5018 A Few Words About Quechua
14290 8357 4768 Yingzi (Writing English Chinese-Style)
14428 8962 6401 Kit be cool
14950 13958 2287 bday (About page)
14982 8805 3751 Faye Wong translation page
15259 English As She is Spoke vs. Babelfish 2002
16181 28875 9440 DFC text index
16747 14078 6526 The Zompist Phrasebook
17558 13679 7653 Kit (second half)
19432 16030 6946 Syldavian Grammar et Grammaire syldave
19603 20410 13338 sci.lang FAQ
24018 14071 7322 Virtual Verduria (main page)
29187 17630 5396 Change log
29832 17700 Zompist's rants page 2001
33222 16220 4890 American culture test
34020 22089 15479 Kit (first half)
68631 45306 35444 Language Construction Kit
86845 53248 26627 Numbers from 1 to 10
132216 87549 48433 Main page

Extremely pedantic notes: Less viewed pages may be undercounted because I can no longer get counts under 20. Before 2002 the Fuschia count is for all comics; now it's for just the main page. If a page has no counts for earlier years, I didn't keep track of it then.
