Virtual Verduria

The Wede:i language family

The material on Cuolese and Jeori has been moved to this page. (It hasn't been modified to match the new Wede:i material, but what's here should still be correct.)

The Wede:i grammar is here; the Wede:i lexicon is here.
--Mark Rosenfelder


Sound changes from Wede:i

Sound changes from Wede:i

Sample sentences
Wede:i/Jeori/Cuolese Comparative Lexicon

Cuolese [To Index]

This section is not intended as a full description of Cuolese, but only as a résumé of how the modern language developed from Wede:i. This will be somewhat misleading, in that the language has been heavily influenced by Xurnáš, as well as by the Lenani languages of the Jippirasti nomads who occupied the region for nearly eight centuries.

Phonology [To Index]

Cuolese phonology

The consonant system has not greatly changed: the alveolar-palatals śź have fronted a bit to šž; a new affricate c has developed, realized as [ts] in Doju, as [č] in Pronel.

The vowels have changed more dramatically, developing into a pitch-accent system. Very likely the long vowels were already pronounced with a raised pitch. The length was lost, but the high pitch remained; thus Wede:i a: → Cuolese á, etc. (High tone is represented with an acute accent.) The long diphthongs were evidently pronounced high on the onglide (the main vowel), back to medium on the offglide; this became a falling tone: a:i à etc.

Very few Wede:i words had two long syllables; where these did occur, one has shortened so that there is never more than one tone per word.

Moreover, vowels before n nasalized and absorbed the consonant: an ã etc. If the vowel was long, it may be both nasalized and high tone: a:n á~.

Finally, front rounded vowels ü ö developed from several sources: short au, as well as back vowels after y or before r and l. The nasalized vowels can be rounded as well: .

Sound changes from Wede:i [To Index]

R stands for r or l
1. au → ö
a:u → ò
pauka → pög
sa:u → sò
2. ei → i:, ai → e:
e:i → è; a:i → à
Jeiwor → Jíwör; Źaikye → Žéc
wa:igu → wàju; Wede:i → Weè
3. yu → ü, yo → ö yuma → üm; yonu → önu
4. [+stop] → [+affric] / (V,#)_(i,u) kugoli → Cuoli; tik → ciw; digu → juju
5. [+stop +voice] → ø / V_V Wede:i → Weè; kugoli → Cuoli; no:biźi → nóiži
6. [+stop, +fric] → [+voice] / V_(V,w) ŋosu → gozu; papa → pab; raśak → ražaw
7. [+back] → [+round -long] /_R ŋor → gör, tur → cür; to:l → töl
8. i → u / [+sib]_C sim → sum → sũ; zimi → zumi
9. a → o / _ng baŋ → boŋ
10. e → i / _Ri ŋeli → ŋili
11. k → w / _# yonok → önow
12. p → py / _i
ky → c / _i
pina → pyin
Źaikye → Žéc
13. [+short] → ø / VC_CV yoneniŋ → yonniŋ → ṏniŋ; paźiwa → pažwa; Śelawor → Śelwör → Šewör
14. o → ou / C(C)_# bo → bou
15. (n,m) → ~ / _#, _C jalan → jalã; Šimka:u → Šũkò
16. (a,e) → ø / VC_# pauka → pöga → pög; gu:me → gúm
17. R → ø / _C kalzi → kazi; neruwen → nerwen → newẽ
18. [+long] → [+high] no: → nó
19. ŋ → g / #_(a,e,o,u,ö)
ŋ → m /_[+labial]
ŋ → n / _[+dental]
ŋol → göl; ŋaza → gaz
yoniŋwe → önimwe; soŋmiŋ → sommiŋ
yoniŋtu → önintu; Boruŋdau → Börundö
20. ö → o / u_ kugoli → Cuöli → Cuoli
21. [+alv-pal] → [-palatal] źeku → žeku; śuk → šuw

Morphology [To Index]

The verbal morphology is largely intact, but has become a good deal more fusional. For instance, here are the basic forms of the verb önu 'speak'; note that there is no longer a single recognizable past tense morpheme. Note also that the verb root ön-, if it occurs before a consonant, nasalizes to .
Present Past
öniŋ I speak ṏciŋ I spoke
önil you speak ṏcil you spoke
ön he speaks önow he spoke

The subject-object forms in the present tense also show a good deal of fusion.

1st person subject 2nd person subject
ṏniŋ I speak to myself öninu you speak to me
öniŋku I speak to you (s) ṏnil you speak to yourself
ṏŋi I speak to him ṏli you speak to him
ṏŋu I speak to her ṏlu you speak to her
önintu I speak to us önitu you speak to us
önimwe I speak to you (pl) öniwe you speak to yourselves
3rd person subject
ṏno he speaks to me
ṏku he speaks to you (s)
önẽ he speaks to himself
ṏjö he speaks to someone else
ṏtu he speaks to us
ṏwe he speaks to you (pl)

Nominal endings, perhaps because they are usually used alone, are more recognizable. Plurals always involve nasalization, but if the root ends in a consonant there is an added vowel, which is synchronically unpredictable though it is almost always that of the Wede:i etymon (for the examples, do:n, gu:me, dau, zimi).

horse man city woman
s. nom. dón gúm zumi
s. acc. dónu gṹwu döwu zũwu
s. dat. dṍni gṹni döni zũni
pl. dónũ gúmẽ dṏ zumĩ

Jeori [To Index]

Jeori is the Wede:i language of Jeor, properly speaking the region west of the Ideis (W. Jei) river. It's useful to distinguish two stages:

Phonology [To Index]

The sounds of New Jeori are as follows:
Jeori consonants
The consonantal system is unremarkable; it has simply developed new fricatives v, x and new affricates c = [ts] and an unvoiced č. The vowel system is more complex, and it's worth looking at how it developed from late Wede:i.
Jeori vowels

Where the characteristic development of long vowels in Cuolese was to high pitch, in Jeori it was to tenseness. Roughly speaking the long vowels have become tense vowels i e o u a in Jeori, and remained where they were-- a however backing to [a].

The short vowels must have all been laxed in late Wede:i-- moved toward the center of the vowel space. In Old Jeori, the high short vowels i u merged to a high central vowel î = [i], while the mid short vowels e o merged to schwa ə. At the same time, short a became fronted [æ].

Some of the short vowels have further shifted in New Jeori. æ raised a bit to become ê = [e]; î fronted to become more or less [I] as in 'bit'. A new back vowel û = [ʋ] as in 'put' arose from certain diphthongs as well as from interconsonantal /w/.

As a further complication, ə and î are elided-- typically, if they occur in the second syllable of the word. This has created new consonant clusters, which have been simplified by (backward) assimilation.

yonokenil → yanəkənîl → yankənîl → yandûnyîl
De:ijubori → Deyjîb
ər → Dejbər
ŋu:made:i → Nyum
ədey → Nyumdey → Yumbe

Sound changes from Wede:i [To Index]

These can be divided into two sets; the first covers the evolution of Old Jeori. Many of these rules can be taken as phonetic rather than phonemic changes-- e.g. the reduction of short vowels, or the wholesale changes that applied to several initials.

B represents any back vowel, including a; X represents any consonant except a nasal.

1. i → y / B_ wa:ino → vaynə, Wede:i → vədey
2. yg → j
yl → ly
wa:igu → vajî
ba:ilu → balyî
3. wk → kw / _V
k → p / _w
lauku:ru → lakwu:ru → læpwurî
rukwen → rîpwən
4. a(:)w → o: sa:un → zon, dau → do, Śelawor → Śæloər
5. n → ŋ / _[+velar] na:ŋu → naŋgî
6. z → dz, ź → dź / #_
s → z / #_
w → v / #_
zimi → dzîmî, źeku → dźəgî
sim → zîm
wen → vən
7. t → č / _u yoniltu → yanîlčî
8. V → ø / VCVC_# yonili → yanîl; dowogu → dawəg
9. a → ə / VC(C)_ ŋu:ma → nyumə; Nakani: → Nækən
10. e → æ / #C_
o → a: / #C_
men → mæn
losu → lasî
11. a → æ
(e,o) → ə
(u,i) → î
gala:i → gælay
gu:me → gumə, dowo → dawə
kudu → kîdî, niz → nîz
12. : → ø na:n → nan, no: → no
13. î → ə / îC(C)_X Buruźi → Bîrîś → Bîrəś
14. ŋ → ny / #_, V_B ŋu:ma → nyumə, ruŋa:i → rînyay
The following changes take us to New Jeori, almost up to modern times.

F represents a front vowel or y. E represents a mid front vowel (e î ê).

1. æ → ê bæŋ → bwêŋ
2. ə → û / əC(C)_
ə → ø / _CV
yanəkənîl → yanəkûnîl → yankûnîl → yandûnyîl
3. î → ø / VC_C(î,ə) Deyjîbər → Dejbər; yanîlîn → yanlin
4. [+stop -voice] → [+fric] / _[+stop], _# mæknə → mwêxŋə, yanək → yanəx
5. ny → y nyonə → yonə
6. ly → ź nyalyo → yaźo
7. d → r / V_V radə → rarə
8. dź → j
dz → c
dźəŋgî → jəŋgyî
dzonî → conyî
9. (m,b) → w / V_F, F_V nobîź → nowîź; vaymə → vawə
10. ø → w / (m,b,p)_F mæk → mêk → mwêx, bi → bwih, pînə → pwinə
11. k → gy / V_E, E_V
ø → y / (k,g,n)_E
bîkə → bwîgyə, rækî → rêgyî
ketə → kyetə, nîz → nyîz, maŋgî → maŋgyî
12. y → ø / (a,e)_ mayn → man, deyjî → dejî
13. əw → o
əy → ê
guməw → gumo
nînəy → ninê
14. îw → û
îy → i
pæźîw → pwêźû
tîyən → tiən → tin
15. (i,e,ê) → [+raised] / _n mæn → mwên → mwen, dzenî → cînyî, tîn → tin
16. ə → ø / V_C Nyumoər → Yumor
17. s → h, g → x / V_ə tosə → tohə, kægə → kyêxə
18. [+stop, +fric] → [+voice] / [+voice]_ dzensəjî → cînzjî, pæməkîn → pwêmkyin → pwêmgyin → pwêmbyin
19. [+stop, +fric] → [-voice] / [-voice]_ yanəkzə → yanəksû
20. č → kx / ŋ_ yanîŋčî → yanyîŋkxî
21. [+stop] → [+velar] / [+velar]_ Barîŋdo → Barîŋgo
22. [+stop] → [+dental] / [+dental]_ yanəkîn → yankyin → yandin
23. [+stop] → [+labial] / [+labial]_r → w / [+labial]_ Zæbîŋəl → Zêbŋəl → Zêbməl
Jæybərîŋ → Jebrîŋ → Jebwîŋ
24. ln → d
l assimilates to following č, z, w
yanîlnə → yanyîdə
yanîlwə → yanîwwə
25. w → û / C_C zîpwən → zîpwn → zîpûn
26. ê → y / (a,o)_ taæ → taê → tay, voæ → voê → voy
27. ø → h / #C(C)(a,e,i)_#
ø → w / #C(C)(o,u)_#
ta → tah, te → teh, bi → bwih
to → tow, tu → tuw
28. y → ø / (n,d)_i donîn → donyîn → donyin → donin
yanəkîn → yandyin → yandin

Morphology [To Index]

The verbal morphology can be traced back to Wede:i, but has become a good deal more fusional. Here are the basic forms of yanyî 'speak', pwaî 'hear', śigyî 'work'. There are patterns-- for instance, the personal endings can be identified as -îŋ, -îl, -î/əx, -ŋin, -lin, -in, but even these tend to fuse with the verb root, and the past tense essentially has to be learned as a modification of the verb root, though it derives regularly from Wede:i -ok-.

The chief cause of the fusion of the past morpheme is vowel syncope-- which generally reduced the -ok to -k and left it adjacent to the root-- plus backward assimilation. So n + k → nd, m + k → mb, g + k → gg.

Classical Wede:i did not have plural subject forms: yoniŋ meant both 'I speak' and 'we speak'. Old Jeori innovated forms using the normal pluralizer (Wede:i -un, Old Jeori -în): yaniŋ 'I speak', yaniŋîn 'we speak'.

Present Past
yanyîŋ I speak yandyîŋ I spoke
yanyîl you s speak yandyîl you s spoke
yanyî he speaks yanəx he spoke
yannin we speak yandyîŋin we spoke
yanlin you pl speak yandyîlin you pl spoke
yanin they speak yandin they spoke
pwaîŋ I hear pwêmbyîŋ I heard
pwaîl you s hear pwêmbyîl you s heard
pwaî he hears pwax he heard
pwêmmin we hear pwêmbyîŋin we heard
pwêmlin you pl hear pwêmbyîlin you pl heard
pwain they hear pwêmbyin they heard
śigyîŋ I work śiggyîŋ I worked
śîxəl you s work śiggyîl you s worked
śigyî he works śixəx he worked
śigŋin we work śîggyîŋin we worked
śiglin you pl work śîggyîŋil you pl worked
śigyin they work śîggyin they worked

There are quite a few other verb forms, but there has been a tendency to replace them with independent adverbs or auxiliaries. The incorporated object affixes became increasingly literary; in speech separate object pronouns were developed.

Nominal endings are only somewhat the worse for wear; the accusative ending is almost always -ə, the dative -nyî-- though this is sometimes due to reanalysis. The plural ending is typically -n after vowels, -in after consonants, with the case endings added normally after it.

horse man city woman
s. nom. don gumə dow cûî
s. acc. donə gumo dowə cûo
s. dat. donnyî gummyî donyî cûin
pl. nom. donin gumən don cûîn
pl. acc. doninə gumənə donə cûînə
pl. dat. doninnyî gumənnyî donnyî cûînnyî

Sample sentences [To Index]

Here are a few sample sentences in all four languages. The first two are selected to emphasize the continuity of the Wede:i family; the last two are designed to show off some of the differences in the languages as they are today.
Wede:i Paźiwa lil śal zimiwo zu:rtau.
king this beautiful woman-ACC want-have
Old Jeori Pæźîw lîl śæl dzîməw dzurto.
New Jeori Pwêźû lîl śśêl cûo curto.
Cuolese Pažwa lil šal zũwu zütö.
English The king loves this beautiful woman.
Wede:i Muna:ido na:nunni na:nyoniŋok.
temple-LOC god-PL-DAT god-speak-I-PAST
Old Jeori Mînaydə nanînnî nanyənəkîŋ.
New Jeori Mwinarə naninnyî nanyandyîŋ.
Cuolese Munào nánũni nánṏciŋ.
English I prayed in the temple to the gods.
Wede:i Ge:ŋgunno śaukgumo paijilźu?
beard-man-GEN rule-man-ACC fear-QUES
Old Jeori Geŋgînîŋ nibewo pæyjîlźî?
New Jeori Asungri runircyî pwejo źucînyîl?
Axunemi ruler-DAT fear-ACC QUES-know-YOU
Cuolese Lil ezjuzũ giecu zen woŋil?
that Ezičimi lord-ACC NEG-QUES fear-YOU
English Do you fear the lord of the Easterners?
Wede:i Riŋtuka:ido la:uliilokkiu, kalziku śa:usir.
tavern-LOC meet-YOU-PAST-IF-HER wife-YOUR shame-WITHOUT
Old Jeori Kælzîkəw rîŋčəkaydə lolîəkîlkî, lîlzî śosîr.
wife-YOUR-ACC tavern-LOC meet-PAST-YOU-IF she shame-WITHOUT
New Jeori Kyîź kyîr laŋzo pwîddozîd ceyûgyîl, vew śosîrə dîzî.
if your wife-ACC tavern-LOC meet-PAST-YOU, she shameless-ACC have
Cuolese Šẽbrio jiracuwu lòliocilü, šōzur lienü.
tavern-LOC wife-YOUR-ACC meet-PAST-YOU-IRR shameless be-IRR
English If you met your wife in the tavern, she is shameless.

Things to note in example 3:

Things to note in example 4:

Wede:i/Jeori/Cuolese Comparative Lexicon [To Index]

This lexicon is intended to show the development of words from ancient Wede:i; it should not be used, even indirectly, as a dictionary of the modern languages. Very often meanings have shifted, and many of these words have not survived as independent lexical items.

Wede:i Old Jeori New Jeori Cuolese Wede:i meaning
bo ba bah bou one
yok yak yax öw two
śir śîr śir šur three
tause tosə tohə töz four
pina pînə pwinə pyin five
baŋ bæŋ bwêŋ boŋ six
(Ax. šeis) śæys śes šís seven
(Ax. yugi) yîgî yîgyî üji eight
(Ax. nebi) næbî nyaî nei nine
(Ax. deis) dæys des dís ten
a:inu aynî anyî ànu help
bai bæy bweh tower
ba:ilu balyî baźî bālu remove
ba:n ban ban bã́ oats
ba:un bon bon bò~ storm
begoŋ bægəŋ bwêxəŋ beoŋ the moon Iliažë
ben bæn bwen bẽ under
bendata bændətæ bwenddê bẽdad grandmother
benpapa bænpəpæ bwempwê bẽpab grandfather
bi: bi bwih white, bright
bi:ka bikə bwikə bíg silver
birbi: bîrbi bwîrbwi bibí the moon Iliacáš
biźi bîźî bwîźî biži grass
bogu bagî bagyî boju person
boka bagî bagyî bog thing
bori barî barî böri island
buka bîkə bwîgyə bug deer
bukuro bîkər bwîgîr bucüru owl
da:iu dayî daî dàu value
data dætə dêtə dad father
dau do dow city
dauka dæpwə dêpwə dög whale
da:wi doî doî dáwi boy
de:i dey deh people
digu dîgî dîgyî juju hide
di:n din din dí~ daughter
do: do dow wind
dolu dalî dalî dölu hang
do:n don don dṍ horse
dowo dawə dawə dowu no
dowogu dawəg dawg dowju nobody
du:r dur dur dür mortar
duzul dîzəl dîzəl juzül slave
eze:r əzer zer ezér thousand
gai gæy gyeh log
gala:i gælay gyêla galà enclosure
galu gælî gyêlî galu close
gauji gojî gojî göji fruit
ge:ŋ geŋ gyeŋ géŋ beard
goju gajî gajî goju steal
go:rtu gorčî gorčî götu ocean
gouŋ gawŋ gawn gouŋ far
gu:me gumə gumə gúm man
guśa gîśə gyîśə juž respect
guśu gîśî gyîśî južu honor
i:l il il íl eye
iteru îtər îtər idru shine
ituri îčər îčər icüri read
ja:iu jayî jaî jàu tell
jalan jælən jêlən jalã wave
jan jæn jen jẽ arrow
jaŋu jæŋî jêŋî joŋu breathe
jauka jæpwə jêpwə jög wolf
jen jæn jen forest
jok jak jax jow other
joŋ jaŋ jaŋ joŋ black
jo:na jonə jonə jón cat
ju ju east
juku jîkî jîgyî jucu sneeze
juŋ jîŋ jîŋ juŋ son
kago kægə kyêxə kao basket
ka:imu kaymî kawî kàmu buy
kal kæl kyêl kal good
kalzi kælzî kyêzzî kazi wife
kamu kæmî kyaî kamu guard
kariji kærîj kyêrîj kaji neck
ka:u ko kow mouth
keŋ kæŋ kyêŋ keŋ foot
ke:ta ketə kyetə kéd hundred
ki kyî ci tooth
kimu kîmî kyûî cimu bite
koku kakî kagyî kocu die
komo kamə kamə komu house
komogu kaməg kaməg kõju servant
kudu kîdî kyîrî cuju break
kugo kîgə kyîxə cuo cap
kur kîr kyîr cür ram
ku:ru kurî kurî cüru give
la:i lay lah glory
la:ŋu laŋî laŋî láŋu marry
la:u lo low type of seashell
lauji lojî lojî löji money
la:uk lok lox lòw because
lauku:ru kæpwurî lêpwurî lögüru pay
la:uliu lolîî lolî lòliu find, meet
legau lægo lêgo leö pear
leźu læźî lêźî ležu trust
leźugu læźîg lêźîg ležju official
lil lîl lîl lil this
lila:u lîlo lîlo lilò approach
liluŋ lîlîŋ lîlîŋ liluŋ near
liu lîî liu see
loŋ laŋ laŋ loŋ buckle
losu lasî lasî lozu moose
lu: lu luw water
lumu lîmî lûî lumu wash
lun lîn lin north
lu:źensagu luźənsəgî luźənzûgyî lúžẽsaju engineer
mai mæy mweh wheat
ma:in mayn man mà~ star
mak mæk mwêx maw cousin
ma:ku makî magyî mácu defeat
ma:n man man má~ great
ma:ngu maŋgî maŋgyî má~gu nobleman
ma:nzi manzî manzî má~zi noblewoman
ma:r mar mar már female
ma:rzi marzî marzî mázi woman
mau mo mow fill
ma:un mon mon mò~ leopard
melen mælən mwêlən melẽ heart
men mæn wen mẽ pine cone
miriŋ mîrîŋ mwîrîŋ miriŋ snake
moga magə maxə moa ear
mogau mago mago moö peach
mo:mo momə momə mómu young
mo:ngu moŋgî moŋgyî mṍgu young man
mo:nzi monzî monzî mṍzi young woman
muku mîkî mwîgyî mucu bull
na:i nay nah bird
na:n nan nan ná~ god
na:ŋgu naŋgî naŋgyî náŋgu priest
na:nśauk nanśok nanźox ná~šöw rite
nanuŋ nænîŋ nyenyîŋ nanuŋ divine
na:u no now ox
na:wen noən non náwẽ axe
neru nærî nyêrî neru lie down
neruwen nærîwən nyêrûn newẽ bed
ni: ni nih field
ni:gu nigî nigyî níju peasant
niji nîjî nyîjî niji animal
nine nînə ninə nin hill
niŋmala:i niŋməlay nyînla nimmalà market
niŋmali nîŋməlî nyînlî nimmali trade
nitu nîčî nyîčî nicu walk
nituk nîčək nyîčəx nicuw in order to
niz nîz nyîz niz palace
no: no now red
no:biźi nobîź nowîź nóiži redcane
na:ila:u nyalyo yaźo ŋàlò invite
n:ai nyay yah ŋà hand
ŋauji nyojî yojî göji tongue
ŋauna nyonə yonə ŋòn street
ŋaza nyæzə yêzə gaz clay
ŋegea nyægəæ yêxê gea rising
ŋeka nyækə yêgyə geg flower
ŋeli nyælî yêlî ŋili land
ŋera:i nyæray yêra gerà household
ŋeru nyærî yêrî geru live
ŋeu nyəw yah geu rise
ŋinji nyînjî yinjî ŋĩji song
ŋinu nyînî yînyî ŋinu sing
ŋol nyal yal göl fire
ŋor nyar yar gör big
ŋosu nyasî yasî gozu flog
ŋozi nyazî yazî gozi same
ŋu:ma nyumə yumə ŋúm mountain
ŋun nyîn yin grape
paira pæyrə pwerə pér basin
paźiwa pæźîw pwêźû pažwa king
piŋgau pîŋgo pwîŋgo pyiŋgö apple
paiju pæyjî pwejî péju fear
palin pælîn pwêlin palĩ again
pamu pæmî pwaî pamu hear
pana pænə pwenə pan rooster
papa pæpə pwêpə pab mother
pauka pæpwə pwêpwə pög mole
pik pîk pwîx pyiw green
pir pîr pwîr pyir lyre
pirma pîrmə pwîrmə pyima harp
po: po pow hair
ponu panî panyî ponu jump
pu:k puk pux púw crime
rada rædə rêrə raa seed
ral ræl rêl ral shrine
raśak ræsək rêźəx ražaw fox
rau ro row door
reja ræjə rêjə rej storm
reku rækî rêgyî recu trap
ril rîl rîl ril egg
rimu rîmî rûî rimu weave
roda radə rarə roa brother
ru: ru ruw sun
ruk rîk rîx ruw sharp
rukwen rîpwən rîpûn rugwẽ weapon
ruŋa:i rînyay ria ruŋà capital
ruŋu rîŋî rîŋî ruŋu govern
ruti rîtî rîtî ruci rush
sai zæy zeh middle
sakana zækən zêgîn sagna fish
saŋ zæŋ zêŋ song south
sa:un zon zon sò~ law
seki zækî zêgyî seci night
sela:i zælay zêla selà general
si si room
sim zîm zîm word
soŋka zaŋkə zaŋkə soŋka bear
soŋmiŋ zaŋmîŋ zaŋwîŋ sommiŋ jade
soźu zaźî zaźî sožu lose
su: zu zuw new
suku zîkî zîgyî sucu stab
sukwen zîpwən zîpûn sugwẽ dagger
śabuk śæbîk śaîx šauw fast
śa:u śo śow šò guilt
ša:uk śok śox šòw rule
śebaru śæbər śar šearu write
śebarul śæbərîl śêbwîl šearül book
śela śælə śêlə šel shelter
śelu śælî śêlî šelu shelter (v)
śen śæn śen šẽ above
śendi:n śændin śendin šẽdí~ granddaughter
śenjuŋ śænjîŋ śænjîŋ šẽjuŋ grandson
śi śî šî ši lake
śigu śîgî śîgyî šuju work
śin śîn śin šũ cow
śoba:n śaban śaban šoá~ oatmeal
śojo śajə śajə šoju chin; pride
śok śak śax šuw bundle
ta:i tay tah right (side)
taku tækî têgyî tacu stop
taŋ tæŋ têŋ toŋ thirty-six
tan tæn ten fertile
tareŋ tærəŋ têrəŋ tareŋ blood
ta:uno tonə tonə tònu why
te: te teh arm
tel tæl têl tel male
telgu tælgi têlgyî tegu male person
tenu tænî tenyî tenu choose
tik tîk tîx ciw old
tin tîn tin day
tiyona tîyən tin ciön squid
ti:zi tizî tizî tízi cry
to: to tow clever
to ta tah tou knife
toa taæ tay toa sword
tok tak tax tow blue
to:l tol tol töl each
tu: tu tuw crossroads
tula:u čîlo čîlo cülò decide
tur čîr čîr cür stick
wada vædə vêrə waa chair
wa:i vay vah boat
wa:igu vajî vajî wàju sailor
wa:ima vaymə vawə wàm ship
wata vætə vêtə wad year
wau vo vow bark
wawa voæ voy waw baby
we: ve veh great
wen vən vən wẽ luck
wete vətə vdû wed birch
wila:r vîlar vîlar wilár goddess æ planet
woŋi vəŋî vmî woŋi disgust
wor vər vər wör west
yai yæy yeh jewel
yaŋ yæŋ yêŋ yoŋ nest
yatu yæčî yêčî yacu order
yauji yojî yojî yöji beetle
ye ye river
yebi: yæbi yai yeí gold
yebi:li yæbil yail yeíli rich
yedu yædî yêrî yeju think
yonu yanî yanyî önu speak
yoru yarî yarî öru dance
yuma yîmə yûə üm head
zai dzæy ceh lightning
zak dzæk cêx zaw spoon
zaran dzærən cêrən zarã sour
zau dzo cow sand
za:uni dzonî conyî zòni family
zawak dzoæk coyx zawaw beach
zel dzəl cəl zel turtle
ze:nsaji dzensəjî cînjî zé~saji parable
ze:nu dzenî cînyî zénu know
zimi dzîmî cûî zumi woman
zoko dzəkə ckû zogu altar
zotu dzəčî cûčî zocu belong
zu dzî zu meat
zu:ru dzurî curî züru get, take
źaik dźæyk jex žéw yellow
źal dźæl jêl žal flat
źa:u dźo jow žò plow
źe: dźe jeh žé wheel
źeba dźəbə jbû žea hawk
źegu dźəgî jûgyî žeju lust
źeku dźəkî jûgyî žecu fall
źensagu dźənsəgî jənzûgyî žẽsaju leader
źenu dśənî jûnyî ženu go
źi:a:i dźiay jia žía garden
źi:u dźiî jiî žíu grow
źomu dźəmî jmwi žomu oppose
źongu dźəŋî jəŋgyî žõgu enemy
źosa dźəsə jîzû žoz hut
źue dźîə žue broom
źunu dźînî jinyî žunu suckle
źunwen dźînwən jinûn žũwẽ breast

Virtual Verduria