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The Fantasy Frequency Wordlist

Here is a text file containing just the words in the wordlist, in alphabetical order.

Here it is again in frequency order (what's in the book).

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There's more of interest on zompist.com-- take a look around! If you've got the etymology bug, look at my lists of English words from Amerindian languages, India, Arabic, and Chinese.

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In more depth...

More on kinship terms from Brian Schwimmer.

Jim Clark's guide to chemistry is intended for British students, but it's a fantastic in-depth explanation of electron shells, the periodic table, organic chemistry, and plenty of stuff I'm glad I don't have to understand.


Stuff I wish I'd included

There's a fascinating cluster of meanings deriving from Greek μύσος 'something abominable or repulsive'. This gives Latin miser 'unhappy, wretched'. The emotion evoked by such states was expressed by miseror 'pity, deplore'. English misery and miserable (i.e. 'pitiable') are straightforward. In French the primary meaning is now one type of wretchedness-- poverty. Spanish miserable can also mean 'despicable'; this might have been the semantic bridge to the meaning 'avaricious', which we have as miser(ly). Finally note misericord, from 'a pitying heart', which has various meanings, including a bracket attached to a folding seat which allows a standing person to lean on it.

Spanish mísero 'wretched, miserly' must not, by the way, be confused with misero 'fond of going to mass'. Which in turn is an interesting nonce specialization of the Romance -er person suffix.

Another Englishism to watch out for: where Latinized adjectives have a neutral 'relating to X' meaning (solar, manual, nasal, feline, ecclesiastical, aqueous), the native adjective has a quirkier idiomatic meaning (sunny 'full of sun', handy 'good with the hands', nosy 'inquisitive', catty 'spiteful', churchy 'fond of church', watery 'with (too) much water').
