The Historical Atlas

Posted by Irgend Jemand on 15:04 8/5/01

In reply to: The Historical Atlas posted by The Andrews on 18:31 7/28/01

The Atlas begins in -25000 ZE? Does that mean that it will solve the mysteries of Almean prehistory? I mean, there are many legends and myths about the early times in the various Almean religions, and they have many things in common. Your usual comment it that it can't be fully found out what exactly happened.

Will there be more on this in the Atlas?

Mark responds:

No, sorry. :) The great wars of the ktuvoki and ilii were many thousand years earlier than that.

(There's an account of those wars on the Cadhinorian paganism page. I have a version of the Eledhe Count of Years which treats the same subject, but I'm not satisfied with it... it's too much of an imitation of Tolkien.

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