Xurno and some other stuff

Posted by Irgend Jemand on 16:09 12/31/01

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Hi everyone, how's the weather like in Inex? I ask this because Xurno has a irrigation agriculture. I think that only makes sense in a region with a dry climate. But Xurno lies in the cool/temperate climate zone, and at least the coastal region with the Xengi delta lies near the coast. Problem is, I happen to live in a near-coast region in the cool/temperate zone, and it isn't that dry. So why does Xurno need irrigation? Or is it perhaps that they can grow many more crops, and thus feed many more people, with it than without it? Or are the systems in the delta perhaps more about dehydrating the area than about irrigating it, like in the Netherlands?

Also, why didn't the Tasoc Tei join Xurno again when the second Revaudo war was won? And did Xazno just join Xurno again when the link was reconquered? I mean, they had been used to ruling themselves for centuries, they had probably developed their own culture, they could keep the profits from transcontinental trade for themselves as long as they were independent, and being surrounded by barbarians, they probably didn't have that much understanding for the political changes that had happened in between- ("Hey, we're just away for a few centuries, and when we're back, some whimpy artists have taken over everything").

If Verdurian physicians don't have a clue of treating diseases anyway, what do they learn in their Smernáî then? The best tricks to cheat the sick for their last stanî?

And when exactly did you name the city of Prishtina?

There's also something about ktuvoki empires that I haven't really understood yet, allthough you've already explained it to me: Every human in a ktuvoki empire belongs either directly to a ktuvok or to a human being who in turn belongs to a ktuvok, or perhaps with some more steps in betwen. So, how then are enterprises managed that require so many participants that they can't all belong to the same ktuvok? Take, for instance, a Munkhashi or Dekhnami army on a campain in territory that isn't already part of the empire. It consists of a lot of people who have, directly or indirectly, different masters. So who commands it and makes the tactical decisions on the battlefield? Or take a Dekhnami diplomat who wants to work out an alliance with some Tellinor chief- who comissions him to work out an alliance in the name of the entire empire?

Since it's New Years Eve- Happy New Year everyone!- do the Almeans have fireworks yet? The Verdurians have invented the canon, and the Xurnese have had explosives for at least half a millenium now. Do they use them for fireworks? Or didn't they ever get the idea? Or has there perhaps been a kind of Toledo-style overreaction to risks?

This doesn't fit here, but when I'm asking questions anyway- does anyone of the Americans here know who the guy on the Dime is?

Mark responds:

My, you have a powerful curiosity. Well, that's fine, I need something to do over lunch. :) Numbers refer to the paragraphs of your posting.

1. Don't forget rice cultivation, as in south China; though it's a wet climate, rice seeds need to actually sit in water to germinate, so extra irrigation is needed.

That said, I'm going to wimp out, for now, and just say that it's a fact about either the climate or the crops or both. :) I have a half-finished project to work out the biology of the crops of all Almean regions, so I'll get back to this.

2. The region of Tasuc Tei and Chiqay (coastal Jeor) has been independent more often than not, since ancient times. This is related to the previous question: the coast isn't part of the irrigation zone; it's also more oriented toward maritime trade.

During the revolution the governor adopted Revaudo as a way of regaining the region's independence; he made it clear to the central Revaudo area that he would support them against the royalists, but would not submit to them. This was acceptable for a time, but in the 3300s Xurno tried to conquer the country, but without much success (except for the conquest of Revi Sauznar).

Xazno, by contrast, was relatively happy to have the support of the metropole. They're safer, less isolated, and can be reinforced by new settlers. Yes, they probably think that the artists sent to administer them are a bit effete... but this wouldn't necessarily be that different from the old days! The aristocrats were always more refined than the pioneers too.

3. Even wrong theories take a long time to master! They learn the Cadhinorian theory of the systems of the body and soul (based of course on the seven elements and the four souls); the names and symptoms of diseases, and how to treat them; the properties of a wealth of herbs, minerals, potions, liquors, and other medicines, as well as other therapies from massage to heating to leeches to surgery. Plus, all of this is taught in Cadhinor, and not an easy variety of it, either.

4. The map of Eretald was one of the first things I created... embarrassingly few of the names actually had any meaning. Well, that worked out OK, since later I worked out Methaiun based on the un-Cadhinorian place names. I can't tell you why I used that particular name... I must have just liked it (rather like Van, Como, Celebes, Sasti Kevir, Ctesifon, and Asucio [from Asunción], which are stolen from various places on Earth; Dobray and Krasnaya are of course taken from Russian).

5. Hmm, you've asked more questions about ktuvok empires than anyone; I'm beginning to think you want to run one of your own...

New territory is, very purposely, conquered by a coalition of ktuvok hierarchies. The ktuvoki work hard to make sure that no one ktuvok gets too powerful, as would certainly happen if one were allowed to make conquests on his or her own. It's considered safe to appoint a human (or for large campaigns, a ktuvok) to coordinate a campaign; the general's actions will be so scrutinized that favoring one ktuvok's hierarchy would be impossible.

Diplomacy is largely left to the Demoshi, who are considered to be good at it (I trust you can see why ktuvoki would be bad diplomats). There is a sort of foreign ministry based in Ornâkh; the ktuvoki merely make sure that it isn't dominated by any one ktuvok hierarchy.

6. Hmm, good question; I'll have to think about that. I imagine they do. (What's "Toledo-style"?)

7. Try translating my own name into Dutch and you'll get it. :)

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